Friday, April 22, 2011

The Adventure Begins!!!

     Here we go!!!  In just three days, Ray and the boys depart for Delhi.  I cannot describe the excitement and hope that we are feeling right now.  It is an almost surreal feeling!  Is it possible that in a few weeks we might hear the exciting words that we are expecting!

     Our story goes back many years....where do I begin.  I could start just a few months back when I serendipitously stumbled onto information about SCI and upon inquiry, they were so helpful and understanding (a very special "Thank You" to Meg who was particularly helpful).  Or...I could go back a little farther, to the grueling, yet unsuccessful fertility treatments endured in the hopes of another baby (yes, that's right...we suffer from secondary infertility...and while we know that we certainly cannot compare our disappointment with those who suffer primary infertility, it is nonetheless devastating when you strongly desire another baby), a little farther back we tried every potential supplement and became avid followers of the ttc (trying to conceive) websites (e.g. we singlehandedly kept the company that makes pregnancy tests and opk's in business).  But enough about all of we are, packing for Delhi.

     Although we wanted to make the initial trip as a family, work obligations intervened.  Ray and the boys are going (of course, we are hoping that we will all be going back in about nine months).  Ray is very excited about the trip.  He is looking forward to meeting everyone at SCI!  He is also looking forward to seeing the sights of Delhi, after he takes care of his primary mission at SCI!
     A very special "Thank You" to all of you who post blogs about your experiences.  We have followed them for a couple of months now, sporadically at first, more than once a day at this point.  It has meant so much to experience your journeys vicariously.   


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