Wednesday, November 30, 2011

They're Here!!!!!!!

What an exciting night!!!  The twins were born early this morning!  We are unbelievably excited to announce the arrival of our little boy and his younger sister (by two minutes that is)!

The little ones decided that they simply could not wait until January to make their first appearances.  So, we will post again very shortly (I promise - yes, I know, I am not the most prolific blogger, but I understand that this is the sort of exciting news that we all anxiously await) with more details and pictures (yes, lots and lots of pictures).

In the meantime, we are going to get a couple of hours of sleep (if that is possible since we are so excited).  Then, we need to quickly modify our travel plans and head for Delhi.

Annette & Mark and B & SJ, we look forward to seeing all of you in Delhi in a few weeks.  As the babies are so early (i.e. 32 weeks), we anticipate a long stay!

Have a great night (or morning)...we will post an update soon!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Still Here...After Being MIA for Sooo Long!!!

Hi Everyone,

Sorry we have been missing in action for sooo long!  I intended to keep everyone updated, but it was so hard emotionally when surromom #1 was having problems that I had to take a break and just bury myself in my work.  Then, once I managed to distract myself that way, I wasn't able to come back and pick up where I left off.  I have occasionally taken a few quick peeks to see how our "friends" out there in surrogacyland are doing.  It has clearly been an exciting time...lots of new babies, etc...

So, when we last posted things were looking bleak for surromom #1!  She did in fact miscarry.  We were very sad about the loss of the twins she was carrying.  In the brief time that she was carrying them, we had already become "attached" (maybe not the best way to express it, but we were very excited about them and, of course, disappointed when we knew that they were gone).

At that point, I had to find distractions because I was obsessively worried about surromom #2.  In fact, during the last few months, she has had several hospital admissions.  During those admissions, I want to mention that Dr. Shivani's staff was fabulous and kept us fully informed about everything.  But it was scary nonetheless!   

I have been counting down the weeks to the point of viability (just in case) and, now, to 37 weeks.

Today, we have reached 30 weeks!  YAY!  So, we are finally starting to breathe.  Even if the babies were born tomorrow (knock on wood - we don't want that to happen), they would probably be fine. They are actually due on January 2, 2012 (i.e. 37 weeks), but we hear many twins decide to make their entrance even earlier than that.

Now, it is time to make plans for our trip to Delhi!  Is anyone planning to spend Christmas in Delhi?